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Easy Veggie Burgers

Updated: Jul 25

These easy veggie burgers are especially quick to make if you already have cooked veggies and canned beans on hand.

Here's a PDF version:

We're in the thick of summer here in the Northeastern US, which means cookouts, grilling and get-togethers. These easy veggie burgers held together great on the grill and tasted even better. I hope you give them a try!

These veggie burgers held together great on the grill, and have not only a great texture and taste but look appealing with their pops of color from the veggies.



  • 1 cup quick or rolled oats - coarsely ground

  • 1 Ezekiel or other whole grain muffin, or two slices of whole grain bead, ground into breadcrumbs (if you're doing flour-free or prefer more whole foods, you can use a cup of cooked rice - you may need to adjust the amount of oats to hold them together)

  • 1/2 can of canned beans, drained and rinsed (I used my lemony herbed white beans from a previous blog post)

  • 1 cup cooked mixed vegetables (I used some of my sauteed blend of mushrooms, onions, spinach and bell peppers, plus some frozen mixed soup vegetables with carrots, green beans, corn and peas)

  • 1 tsp vegan Worcestershire sauce

  • 1 T ketchup

  • 1 tsp dried parsley

  • 1 tsp onion powder

  • 1 tsp garlic powder

  • 1 tsp Italian seasoning blend

  • Salt and pepper to taste (I used about 1/2 tsp Kosher salt and a couple turns of my pepper mill of black pepper)

  • Montreal or Chicago steak seasoning, to sprinkle on top of formed patties (optional)

Step 1: Grind your dry ingredients

I made these burgers using only a food processor.

Grind your dry ingredients first. Grind the oats into a coarse flour, or more finely if you prefer. Set the oats aside in a small bowl. You'll add these at the end to bind your mixture to the consistency you desire.

Grind the muffin or bread to make breadcrumbs and dump these into a large mixing bowl.

Step 2: Grind your wet ingredients

Place the beans and veggies into the food processor and pulse until everything is well mixed, leaving a bit of texture so those veggies shine through and the occasional bean is visible. Scrape the mixture into the bowl with the breadcrumbs.

Step 3: Add flavorings

Add the Worcestershire sauce, ketchup and seasonings and blend well.

Step 4: Add ground oats to adjust consistency

Start sprinkling in your ground oats, blend, and add oats as needed to get the consistency you like. You may or may not need all the ground oats you made. As a guide, once my "dough" was well formed and cleaned the inside of my bowl, I knew it would hold together when I formed my patties.

Taste your mixture and adjust seasonings as needed.

Step 5: Form into patties and chill

Form patties and place on a plate. Sprinkle with steak seasoning if desired. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes to help them firm up. The breadcrumbs do a good job, but this also helps make sure they have the best chance of holding together on a grill.

Step 6: Grill and eat!

Cook on a grill until patties are heated through and outsides are crispy. You can get grill marks on these, as you can see in the picture above! You can also cook these in a nonstick pan over medium heat, or bake (try 400F for about 30-40 minutes).


Hope you enjoy!

Let me know if you give these veggie burgers a try. Feel free to substitute veggies and seasonings your enjoy. Leave me a comment, and let me know how they turned out!

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